Dr. Md Ashraful ALAM
Final discussion: 17th February 2025, 2.30 p.m. - Room B5, Department of Economics and Management
Thesis: Corporate Social Responsibility - Initiatives by Bangladeshi Firms: Content, Implementation Strategies, & Impact on Sustainable Social Development
Supervisor: Prof. Raffaella CASSANO
Dr. Ranjeeta SADHWANI
Final discussion: 17th February 2025, 2.30 p.m. - Room B5, Department of Economics and Management
Thesis: Beyond Profits: Unraveling the Impact of ESG Initiatives on Firm Valuation
Supervisor: Prof. Alberto FALINI and Prof. Cristian CARINI
Dr. Davide TONOLI
Final discussion: 17th February 2025, 2.30 p.m. - Room B5, Department of Economics and Management
Thesis: Sustainability Implementation and Stakeholder Engagement Organizational Process: a Q methodology research on Italian Water Utilities Employees
Supervisor: Prof. Luisa BOSETTI
Final discussion: 26th February 2024, 11.00 a.m. - Sala delle Candelabre, Law Department
Thesis: Gli effetti della pandemia da Covid-19 sul commercio internazionale e il ruolo dell'OMC
Relator and supervisor: Prof. Chiara DI STASIO
Dr. Giovanni FAPPIANO
Final discussion: 6th March 2024, 11.30 a.m. - Sala delle Candelabre, Law Department
Thesis: Le sopravvenienze nei contratti di impresa
Supervisor: Prof. Valerio PESCATORE
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Alberto VENTURELLI
Final discussion: 8th April 2024, 3.00 p.m. - Sala delle Candelabre, Law Department
Thesis: Allineare la responsabilità sociale d'impresa e lo sviluppo sostenibile in tempi di cambiamento climatico: impatti sulla migrazione
Supervisor: Prof. Saverio REGASTO
Dr. Federica CAMPOLO
Final discussion: 7th May 2024, 2.00 p.m. - Sala delle Candelabre, Law Department
Thesis: Gli appalti verdi. Il ruolo della Pubblica Amministrazione nel raggiungimento di un'economia circolare (IUS 10)
Supervisor: Prof. Roberto LEONARDI
Dr. Nathaniel AMOAH
Final discussion: 17th May 2024, 11.00 a.m. - Sala della Biblioteca, Department of Economics and Management
Thesis: Sustainable food consumption behaviours of Generation Z across national cultures
Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe BERTOLI and Prof. Michelle BONERA
Final discussion: 17th June 2024, 11.00 a.m. - Sala delle Candelabre, Law Department
Thesis: Diritti e responsabilità nelle catene di appalti labour-intensive
Supervisor: Prof. Fabio RAVELLI and Prof. Cristina ALESSI
Dr. Mina Afia ACQUAH
Final discussion: 25th September 2024, 10.30 a.m. - Room B4, Department of Economics and Management
Thesis: The trinity towards social sustainability: the interaction between wellbeing, resilience and organizational renewal capability
Supervisor: Prof. Caterina MUZZI
XXXV Cycle
Dr. Gianluigi DELLE CAVE
Final discussion: 20th February 2023, 12.30 p.m. - Sala dei Putti, Law Department
Thesis: Smart city e potere pubblico tra vecchi e nuovi diritti
Relator and supervisor: Prof. Vera PARISIO
Final discussion: 3rd March 2023, 10.00 a.m. - Sala delle Candelabre, Law Department
Thesis: "Il beneficiario effettivo" nella fiscalità internazionale ed europea. L'evoluzione della clausola tra soggettività, imputazione del reddito e abuso del diritto
Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe CORASANITI
Dr. Roheel Ahmed SIDDIQI
Final discussion: 27th March 2023, 10.30 a.m. - Aula Magna, Department of Economics and Management
Thesis: Drivers of Sustainable Performance: Empirical evidence from Supply Chain Organizations
Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe BERTOLI
Final discussion: 12th April 2023, 2.45 p.m. - Sala dei Grifoni, Law Department
Thesis: La rilevanza politica della tutela cautelare civile. Riflessioni a partire dai modelli italiano e statunitense
Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe FINOCCHIARO
Dr. Forster Junior SHITSI
Final discussion: 13rd May 2024, 11.00 a.m. - Sala della Biblioteca, Department of Economics and Management
Thesis: Oil & Gas Sustainability: Understanding Regional Differences and Determinants of sustainability Performance
Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe BERTOLI and Prof. Federica GASBARRO